Rigo Cheneau TLSO
Developed by Dr. Cheneau and later improved by Dr. Rigo, this treatment system is widely used in Europe for the conservative treatment of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis.
What to Expect
Measurements and Scanning
A 3-D scan is captured with the Omega Tracer system in order to produce a three-dimensional model of the patient. This computer image is then modified with corrective forces and used to fabricate the custom scoliosis orthosis. Measurements are obtained with a tape measure at various landmarks and photos are taken.
What to Bring
Please bring a copy of your prescription and your most recent X-rays. Female patients can wear a one piece bathing suit for the scanning process.
A 3-D scan is captured with the Omega Tracer system in order to produce a three-dimensional model of the patient. This computer image is then modified with corrective forces and used to fabricate the custom scoliosis orthosis. Measurements are obtained with a tape measure at various landmarks and photos are taken.
What to Bring
Please bring a copy of your prescription and your most recent X-rays. Female patients can wear a one piece bathing suit for the scanning process.
Helpful Resources
Effectiveness of Cheneau Brace for scoliosis Published article
2139 Staples Mill Road - Richmond, Virginia 23230
Phone: 804.355.0283 Fax: 804.355.2035
Phone: 804.355.0283 Fax: 804.355.2035